Truth in Love

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:15-16)
When I read this it caused me stop and reflect and think on this very subject, what can I do differently through the strength of Christ and for His glory in truth and love?
Contrary to the popular cultural beliefs of our time, scripture does not teach the church to ignore reality and to operate our bodies based solely on our feelings and desires. When an arm wants to be the neck or the elbow wants to be the knee, we cannot say ‘Sure, elbow, you’re really a knee because that’s how you feel.’ We speak the truth, in gracious love, and help one another to properly identify our roles and functions in the body of Christ. Some people are simply not cut out to be the hands. They aren’t strong enough and can’t get a grip. But they are sturdy and protective enough to be a rib surrounding the heart and they are desperately needed to serve in that function.

We also need to speak truth in love to each other when certain parts of the body are failing to thrive. If the arms are too weak to lift or the legs too stiff to walk, we cannot ignore these broken parts, but must point out the weakness and act in love to help support that struggling part of the Body until they can fully function once again.

If the Body of Christ is too busy people-pleasing to point out areas of weakness in itself, it will quickly come to a grinding halt and fail to serve the Head. We often think we are doing each other a service by holding our tongues and not sharing the insight the Lord has given us into areas of weakness in one another. We are afraid to stir the pot or to hurt feelings. But when we speak truth in love, we can constructively criticize. We can rebuild alongside one another, making an even stronger body as it collectively supports itself in the strength of Christ and for His glory.

The Body of Christ must simultaneously serve its own parts in order to properly serve the head of our church- Christ. The horizontal relationships within the church must be constructive for the vertical relationship with the Lord to be flourishing. We cannot serve our heavenly Father if we are tearing down His children. The head is not served by the body when it’s too busy kicking itself. We are to nurture our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we do so, the whole body grows and matures in health and we all benefit from a healthy body capable of loving and serving our head, King Jesus.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Ephesians 4