Sep '19

The Surprising Truth About What Your Worth
Sep '19

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
So often we feel safe in a theology wrapped in self-deprecation.
We focus on our sins. Our desperation. Our neediness.
Here’s the deal, these are all true!
We are sinful, desperate, and in deep need of a Savior.
But . . . If that’s the lion’s share of what we dwell on, do we have eyes for newness? Where are God’s work and victory in our hearts celebrated? Where is our identity rooted?
Think about it like this.
When we hyper-focus on our unworthiness, it can become a target we never intended to hit, but that destroys us in the process.
Trust me, the truth is, you and I are worth profoundly more than we can even fathom.
How much, you ask?
The life of God’s one and only Son.
That’s right. God the Father values us so profoundly he sent Jesusto die in our place, redeem us, and then join him in resurrection life!
God is in charge, and he’s the one who gets to determine what you and I are worth — not us.
He decided we are worth the life of Jesus, and then Jesus willingly laid his life down for us (John 10:18).
When I read this devotion I felt it needed to be shared over and over again. There is someone at this very moment questioning there worth, I would encourage you today to see yourself through the eyes of Christ. He loves you so much, He sent His son to die for you, to redeem you. You are what God knows you are, not what others think you are. He sees, He hears, He will deliver you. Look to Him!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Joel 2:23