Trust in Him

Trust Jesus

Someone to Trust

Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? (Proverbs 20:6)
“I just can’t trust anyone,” my friend said through tears. “Every time I do, they hurt me.” Her story angered me. Struggling to trust again after a pain-filled childhood, this betrayal seemed just one more confirmation that people could not be trusted.
I struggled to find words that would comfort. One thing I could not say was that she was wrong about how hard it is to find someone to fully trust, that most people are commpletely kind and trustworthy. Her story was painfully familiar, reminding me of moments of unexpected betrayal in my own life. In fact, Scripture is very candid about human nature. In Proverbs 20:6, the author voices the same lament as my friend, forever memorializing the pain of betrayal.
What I could say is that the cruelty of others is only part of the story. Although wounds from others are real and painful, Jesus has made genuine love possible. In John 13:35, Jesus told His disciples that the world would know they were His followers because of their love. Although some people may still hurt us, because of Jesus there will also always be those who, freely sharing His love, will unconditionally support and care for us. Resting in His unfailing love, may we find healing, community, and courage to love others as He did.
When I read this I felt it was important to share. Often times we use the excuse, well I can’t trust anyone but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Take a moment today and without lashing out at the ones who have hurt you refocus your thoughts and take a moment to reflect on those who God has placed in your life who truly and unconditionally support and car for you, even if you can only think of one single person, Thank God for them. My prayer today is that despite the hurt from others in my life, may I be that person in someone’s life who they can stop and say, yes, I may have been hurt by this or that person but I know I have a true friend in her who will unconditional support and care for me. Let me be that person who God uses to uplift and encourage others and may I not solely reflect on those who have hurt me but reflect on those who truly love me because that’s what truly matters.
Thank You Jesus for placing those in my life who love me and support me unconditionally. Help me not to focus on those who have hurt me. Thank You for making true love possible. Amen!
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is John 13:33-35