Rhythms of Grace

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. (Matthew 11:29)
A friend and his wife, now in their early nineties and married for sixty-six years, wrote their family history for their children, grandchildren, and generations to come. The final chapter, “A Letter from Mom and Dad,” contains important life-lessons they’ve learned. One caused me to pause and take inventory of my own life: “If you find that Christianity exhausts you, draining you of your energy, then you are practicing religion rather than enjoying a relationship with Jesus Christ. Your walk with the Lord will not make you weary; it will invigorate you, restore your strength, and energize your life” (Matt. 11:28–29).
Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of Jesus’s invitation in this passage begins, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? . . . Walk with me and work with me. . . . Learn the unforced rhythms of grace” (The Message).
When I think that serving God is all up to me, I’ve begun working for Him instead of walking with Him. There is a vital difference. If I’m not walking with Christ, my spirit becomes dry and brittle. People are annoyances, not fellow humans created in God’s image. Nothing seems right.
When I sense that I’m practicing religion instead of enjoying a relationship with Jesus, it’s time to lay the burden down and walk with Him in His “unforced rhythms of grace.”
Lord Jesus, I come to You today to exchange my frenzied work for Your pathway of grace. Amen.
When I read this I instantly thought what simple truth and yet so powerful. Often times we can get so busy working for Christ that we forget we are no longer walking with Him and enjoying a relationship with Him. I needed to be reminded of this, I don’t want to become so busy that my spirit becomes dry and brittle. I can honestly say I can sense it in a day in my attitude when I haven’t stopped to talk with God and make time for Him. The instant I do those things that may have irritated me or frustrated me don’t seem so big or important anymore. Let’s make time today to walk with Him, stop what you are doing and just talk to Him, He longs to hear from you and talk to you. Let’s slow down and remember Jesus wants us to walk with Him.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading Matthew 11:25-30

Time For Him

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
I know Someone who thinks you are important. You are the apple of His eye. His mind is always on you. He is continually aware of your wants, needs and desires. He watches over you when you are hurting, suffering and in trouble. He plans for your success. His thoughts towards you are immeasurable and unfathomable.
So with that in mind, how IMPORTANT is He to you? Are you planning your day around Him or trying to plan Him into your day? Are you hanging out with another during the time you set aside for Him?
It hurts Jesus when He is cast aside. He longs to commune with you. He longs to just sit and chat, invite Him into your day. He is waiting to spend some time with just you.
To hear the whisper of God you must turn down the volume of the world. Find time to disconnect from everything around you and be still in His presence today. He is waiting for you to draw near. Amen.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is 1 Peter 5:7-11