Nov '19

Give Thanks for All He has Done
Nov '19

Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. (1 Chronicles 16:8)
If anything of yours has ever been lost or stolen and then found, your first reaction most likely was thankfulness. Perhaps you were relieved to be reunited with your purse, keys, or phone. However, imagine if what was eventually returned was the symbol of God’s presence, the Ark of the Covenant.
After God enabled David and his men to defeat the Philistine army, there was one more important task: they were to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The Ark was now going to be returned to its rightful home and, for this homecoming, David commits a psalm of thanks to the Lord (vv. 8–36). In this poetic song, David thanks God for the wondrous things He has done for the Israelites with His miracles, His judgments, and decrees (v. 12).
It is often easier to give thanks to the Lord for miracles than for judgments, but David reminds us that both are needed and necessary. Fast forward a few generations. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, many people thanked Him for His miracles, but His decrees about Himself made a very different impression on people. His miracles were praised, while His judgments were perceived as threatening.
Even today, we are much quicker to thank God for His miracles than for His judgments. Many people prefer gentle lies rather than hard truths. But God has called us to a life of grace and truth. David reminds his people, as well as us, that we ought to thank the Lord for all the wondrous things He has done. Both His miracles and His judgments show God’s presence in our lives. Thankfully, every day God’s Word gracefully speaks truth into your life and mine.
Can you name one miracle and one hard truth God has given you? Remembering what God has done in your life is one of the first steps to fill your life with thanks. Like David, be sure to thank the Lord for all the wondrous things He has done. If you have time, compose your own psalm of praise to the Lord.
This devotion blessed me. I felt it needed to shared today. God has a great plan for your life, Trust Him. Remember His goodness and Give Thanks for ALL He has done.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is James 1:2-3
Nov '18

Honoring God With Thanks
Nov '18

And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. (Psalm 50:15)
The doctor wasn’t frowning, despite talking to my husband about his recent cancer diagnosis. Smiling, she offered a suggestion: start each day by giving thanks. “For at least three things,” the doctor said. Dan agreed, knowing that gratitude opens our hearts to find encouragement in God’s goodness. Thus, Dan starts each day with words of praise. Thank You, God, for a good night’s sleep. For my clean bed. For sunshine. For breakfast on the table. For a smile on my lips.
Each word is heartfelt. But could it sound trivial? Does our praise in life’s small details matter to Almighty God? In Psalm 50, David’s chief musician, Asaph, offers a clear answer. God “will take no bullock out of thy house, nor he goats out of thy folds” (v. 9). Instead of these once-formal Israelite sacrifices of gratitude, God wants His people to give Him our hearts and lives in gratitude (vv. 14, 23).
As my husband experienced, whole-hearted gratitude helps our spirits flourish. Then when we call on the Lord “in the day of trouble,” He will “deliver” us (v. 15). Does this mean Dan will be healed, spiritually and physically, during his two-year treatment? Or not until after this lifetime? We don’t know. But for now, Dan delights in showing God he’s grateful for His love, and for who God is: Redeemer. Healer. Friend. And friends delight to hear these beautiful words: Thank You.
When I read this devotion I was so very blessed and reminded of something I once heard someone say and I feel it bears repeating. The man once said, paralyzed from a past head injury, when someone says God Bless you, his response is, He already has. How powerful is that? If we would choose to live each day with that kind of attitude, despite our current circumstances, how different would our lives be. Let us do as Dan does in this devotion each and every day, let’s choose to delight in showing God we are grateful for His love, and for who He is: redeemer, healer and friend. My gratitude to God is great to Him. Today, let’s set aside our troubles and honor God with thanks. He deserves it.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Isaiah 25:1