Aug '22

Armour of Light
Aug '22

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. (Romans 13:12)
Just as we put on clothes every day, we must put on the armor of light every day, too.
By clothing ourselves with the armor of God and His light, we are in turn wrapping ourselves with Him!
By pushing away deeds of darkness and temptations of our flesh, we pull the light of Christ closer to us.
This enables us to live nearer to Him, thus allowing us to make better decisions, have clarity of mind, more peace and joy in our lives.
There is much darkness to be found in the world, but the light of the world lives in each and every follower of Christ.
This precious light that is Jesus, lives in you!
When you go out into the world, the beautiful yet powerful light of Jesus shines through you into the lives of others. You radiate the beacon of hope that people lost in the darkness so desperately yearn for! You become a living lighthouse that points others to Jesus.
As you practice clothing yourself with the armor of light, continue to make a daily effort to live close to God. Ask and thank Him for helping you become more aware of His loving and permeating presence in your life.
Even though we will see evil around the world, the light of Christ that lives in us will always be able to pierce the deepest darkness!
“Lord, thank you for helping me to continually put on your armor of light every day. Help me to say no to temptations and push away deeds of darkness so I may draw nearer to you. Jesus, may your precious light shine through me wherever I go!”
When I read this devotion I was reminded of a book I recently read and the author said something incredibly powerful, something I’ve chosen to speak out loud every day since, over myself, over my children, over my husband, my family, over every aspect of my life, “You must choose to cancel the devils assignment in every single area of your life in the name of Jesus Christ”. When you speak The Name of Jesus Christ, you have full authority and power over the devils assignment and today, I choose to cancel/rebuke the devils assignment. What freedom we can have if we choose to rebuke the devil in his tracks. Will you choose to openly cancel the devils assignment over every area of your life, starting today? Let’s link arm in arm and put the devil and his demons out of commission and call upon The Lord and His host of angels. Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Mar '22

Armor of Light
Mar '22

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. (Romans 13:12)
Just as we put on clothes every day, we must put on the armor of light every day, too.
By clothing ourselves with the armor of God and His light, we are in turn wrapping ourselves with Him!
By pushing away deeds of darkness and temptations of our flesh, we pull the light of Christ closer to us.
This enables us to live nearer to Him, thus allowing us to make better decisions, have clarity of mind, more peace and joy in our lives.
There is much darkness to be found in the world, but the light of the world lives in each and every follower of Christ.
This precious light that is Jesus, lives in you!
When you go out into the world, the beautiful yet powerful light of Jesus shines through you into the lives of others. You radiate the beacon of hope that people lost in the darkness so desperately yearn for! You become a living lighthouse that points others to Jesus.
As you practice clothing yourself with the armor of light, continue to make a daily effort to live close to God. Ask and thank Him for helping you become more aware of His loving and permeating presence in your life.
Even though we will see evil around the world, the light of Christ that lives in us will always be able to pierce the deepest darkness!
“Lord, thank you for helping me to continually put on your armor of light every day. Help me to say no to temptations and push away deeds of darkness so I may draw nearer to you. Jesus, may your precious light shine through me wherever I go!”
When I read this devotion it was so uplifting. He equips us and gives us the armor we need each and every day to put on His armor of light. Draw nearer to Him today.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!