Jan '21

Pray Back Scripture
Jan '21

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13)
In Psalm 27, David cries out to God and reminds Him of how He protected and provided for him in the past. What a beautiful reminder to us to recall those things that God has done for us in the past.
When we pray back scripture and remember God’s goodness to us, it lifts our spirits. It gives us the encouragement we need to keep going, even under challenging circumstances.
David, himself tells God that he is turning his enemies over to Him. How often do we hold onto our worries and troubles, even when we have prayed about them? God doesn’t intend for us to carry those.
While we may not have armies coming after us today, as David did, we have diseases, financial stressors, heart pains, and emotional troubles.
However, we can go to God and ask with confidence for His goodness to us. We can expect Him to come through for us and be with us in our pain. While the outcome or answer may not be what we are anticipating or wanting, we can trust that God’s answer will always be best.
How can God use your pain to grow you so that you will be more effective for him?
When I read this devotion it blessed me. As we go into this new year may we remember this devotion, “We can trust that God’s answer will always be best”. God will always provide, it just might look different than what we had in mind.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!