Dec '19

Praise Him
Dec '19

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. (Psalm 100:4)
The courts of every palace were set apart for the privileged inner circle, only.
The courts were called the holy of holies when they were in the wilderness.
The courts of God are a place of intimacy; a place where we don’t worship what he has done for us but, we worship WHO HE IS!
In giving Thanksgiving, I remember to praise God for answered prayers about my children, my job, my home, relationships, health, or business worries.
But… in praising God, I simply praise him for being God.
I praise Him for being my everlasting Father, my faithful King, my merciful Shepherd.
I praise him for His faithfulness, His loyalty, His Love, and His stability.
Praising God is a very different thing than expressing Thanksgiving,
Both are important.
Thanksgiving is the ramp into the heavenly places, but praise lands us into His presence.
TODAY: I will purpose myself to give praise simply for who He is.
In the intimacy of my praise I experience His presence.
His presence will be my place of rest and peace regardless of my circumstances.
This devotion blessed me. I pray it blesses you and encourages you to praise Him today and to rest in Him with such peace regardless of what your going through.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Dec '19

Enter His Gates
Dec '19

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. (Psalm 100:4)
“Enter His gates”
In ancient Israel, the City gates were symbolic of entering or leaving a new region.
When we come into a gate through prayers of Thanksgiving we are approaching God, and entering where he lives.
Thanksgiving prayers are about what God has done for us.
Don’t we often pray for specific things, but forget to connect our outcomes to those prayers?
Because God’s timing is rarely ours, the answered prayer from our Heavenly Father may be days, months, or even years after our initial prayer request.
It’s so important to give thanksgiving to God!
It is the intentional awareness between my prayers and His actions.
When we journal about answered prayers, speak them to others, or spend quiet time offering our thanksgiving to God, we affirm that we are loved, safe, seen and heard as a child of God.
I will speak words of thanksgiving as a conscious act of appreciation for what He does, and what He is at work doing now.. I will search each day to discover and declare His faithfulness to my prayers. Amen.
I love this devotion. I pray you are encouraged to speak words of thanksgiving and hope today. Romans 12:12, Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.
I pray you have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord! 🙏🏻