Our Words

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21) 
Have you heard the saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?”

The truth of the matter is … words can be life giving or life taking.

The tongue is one of the smallest parts of the body, yet it can crush the spirit, causing terrible hurt and damage. 

Words can create, encourage, and give life, but they can also discourage and deliver a terrible blow.
In the book of James, we are told that the tongue is like a fire. 
Fire can warm us and cook our food. But, it can also be destructive. 

If not used properly, fire can destroy. 
The same is true of the tongue.
As you go about your day and start to speak, how will you use your words?
Will you express words of affirmation and appreciation for others?
Or will you let a little burning ember escape and ignite an entire forest fire of destruction.
Remember, words are powerful.
God spoke the world into existence by the power of His words!
As you seek to follow Him, ask Him to guard your heart, tongue, and words. Let your words be used for His good – to uplift and encourage!
When I read this devotion I felt it was something that needed to be shared. Words are indeed powerful, remember this devotion today before you speak. I pray we are all encouraged to let our words be used for His good. Words are like seeds, what seeds are you planting?
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!

Sometimes I Talk Too Much

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21) 
I have some opinions. 
I have some thoughts. 
I have a plethora of words that beg to be spoken. 
And if I’m not careful those words can be too much. Maybe you can relate. 
Unchecked words that come too fast bring with them a rush of trouble. That’s why it’s important for us to consider three things with our words ?

1. Listening should take precedence over speaking. 

Honestly, I think a lot of relationship troubles could be solved if we made the commitment to listen more than we speak. Gosh this is hard, isn’t it? Sometimes when I’m listening to someone all I can focus on is when I’m going to be able to jump in and say what’s screaming in my brain. Later I realize all that focus on my next words prevented me from really listening to what they were trying to say. 

What if I made the commitment today to do more listening than speaking? I’m going to challenge myself to not interrupt. Wait until there is a true pause in the conversation. Truly consider what the other person has said. And then respond with care. 

“He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13

2. Words should be measured. 

I need to engage my brain before I engage my mouth. Just like I consider how a purchase will affect my bank account, I have to consider how words will affect my relationship account. I can do this by thinking about how my words will come across and intentionally asking myself if there are better words that could be used in this situation? 

“A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.” Proverbs 18:2

3. Once words are spoken, I can’t un-speak them. 

Once words come out of my mouth I can’t gather them back in. It’s like once you squeeze too much toothpaste out, you can’t get it back into the tube. Now certainly, I can quickly say I’m sorry. I can ask for forgiveness. I can attempt to make the wrong right. But I can’t un-speak my words. 

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:21 

If my greatest desire is to honor the Lord with every word I say and interaction I have, these three things are crucial for me to keep in mind. Instead of allowing my flesh reactions to lead me, I’ve got to boss my thoughts and opinions around using God’s Truth. 

Dear Lord, I always want my words to reflect the fact that You live within me. But sometimes my first reaction isn’t as God-honoring as it should be. Help me to keep these three perspectives in mind as I deny my flesh response and follow Your teaching in this. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

When I read this devotion I couldn’t help but think of one word, guilty. Sometimes we talk too much. I believe we all struggle with this very thing from time to time, but if we would make a deliberate effort to do these three things and follow after what God’s word says, we will find our words will honor The Lord. 

Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord! 

Today’s Reading is Isaiah 46:4