Rejoice in the Lord alway

This devotion blessed me, I pray it encourages you to whisper, “Jesus, you are my joy”.

Are You in Need of Joy today?

The joy we receive from the Lord transcends circumstances.
You don’t have to depend only on what you see in the natural.
As a child of the most high God, you have been sanctioned to rise above all circumstances of life!
As His beloved child, His joy that is your strength is your birthright! Don’t let the enemy rob you of what rightly belongs to you!
Today, take a moment to whisper to yourself, “Lord, you are my joy.”
“Lord, thank you that I can rejoice in every season of life, no matter what! Help me to remember your goodness, grace and incredible love. Thank you for helping me to access the heavenly joy you’ve already given me!”

Celebrate with Joy

Embrace the celebration of His birth! Let us not forget the true reason we celebrate.

Jesus, You are my Joy!

Even in difficult seasons, you can still have His joy. His word says to be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life!
We don’t have to wait for life to be perfect and problem-free in order to access all that He has for us. Since He is always with you, the joy and peace of His life-changing presence is always available to you.
When you accepted Jesus into your heart, He sanctioned you to rise above all circumstances of life. As children of God, we are not held down by the weight of the world.
As you go through today, ponder on what He has done for you and all He’s already given. Whispering His name and saying, “Jesus, you are my joy” is all it takes to remind you of His never-changing presence.
I love this devotion! I pray you are encouraged each and every day to whisper His name and say, “Jesus, YOU are my joy”. Hallelujah! Amen!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!