
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)
We all want peace. We want peace in the world, and sometimes we fight for it. We want peace in our countries, so we vote for the person we think will do the best. We want peace with our friends, so we do what we can to not offend them. We want peace in our family, so we work hard to provide for their needs. Lastly, we want peace in ourselves, so we compare ourselves to others and say we are much happier with what we have. People spend their whole lives working for peace. Unfortunately, true peace is not something that can be achieved, it can only be received.
True peace can only come from God (John 14:27). This peace doesn’t affect our surroundings, it affects our inner souls. Paul says that it will go deep into our hearts and minds. It isn’t something that can be explained in a self help book or with a few simple steps, it is only something that can be received from God.
Ironically he brought us peace through an act that was not peaceful at all, the death of His son (Romans 5:9). As a follower of Jesus, we should be the ones looked to when others need peace. Not because our surroundings are peaceful, but because our hearts and minds are at peace with God through the death of Christ on the cross. We no longer fear death, hunger, or not having enough possessions. We know that our treasure is in heaven and we will one day reign with the one true Peace Maker.
Where does your peace come from?
I’m honestly not sure what more to add to this. When I read it this morning it blessed me and inspired me to hold even tighter to the one true Peace Maker and to reflect on where my peace truly comes from. I pray when others see me they see that my heart and mind is at peace with God that I may help, through Christ, shine light and peace into there lives. Here I am Lord, use me.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Philippians 4:6-13