Stand Strong in HIM

However, God does not intend for us to live under the weight of pain and suffering for long periods. While we may feel hopeless, God is the God of hope. He desires to comfort us. He wants to be near us. His word even tells us that He will wipe away the tears from all our faces.
I’m sure most people answered yes to at least one of the two questions within the first paragraph of this devotion but what I love so much about this devotion is what it says in the final paragraph, have peace, be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. Hallelujah! Welcome 2021! We win!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!

Peace in Him

The Lord Will Overcome!

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
Has the first thought in your mind, as soon as your eyes opened in the morning, ever been “I don’t think I can face today. My heart is too full of hurt/hate/anger/sadness.” If you answered no, I’d like you to do two things. First, please share your secret with everyone else in the world. Second, stop lying to yourself! Everyone has had this thought. I’ve had this thought more often than I’d really like to admit to myself.
We always hear that Jesus lives within us, and that if we call out to Him, He will fill us with peace and love. However, many of us find ourselves turning away from Him when we are feeling defeated. We try to conquer this world by ourselves.
Today’s Bible verse is clear that we will all face trouble. Everyone feels defeated sometimes. Everyone feels lost, scared, hurt and broken sometimes. However, God tells us that He has overcome the world and all of our trouble.
Why should we be of good cheer? God lives in our spirit! He is literally inside of us! So, because He lives in and through us, through Him, we can overcome this world! That is so amazing!
So next time you wake up and start to feel like you can’t face the day, call out to him!
Oh Lord Jesus, I can’t face today. My heart is so full of hurt. Fill me with Your peace and love, and help me to remember that You live in me, and that through You, I can overcome this world! Amen!
Although the day is already about over, after reading this I felt it was worth sharing tonight that we may have a different perspective when we lay our head down tonight and when we wake in the morning. Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone because I know, yes I know He holds my future and life is worth the living just because He lives. May you rest in this truth and remember always, nothing, no thing is to big for God! Amen!
Have a wonderful evening in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is John 16