Apr '19

My Redeemer Lives
Apr '19

For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. (Job 19:25)
What a thrill to KNOW that my Redeemer lives! Jesus Christ is just as alive today as He was right after the resurrection. In fact, He is just as much alive today as He was before the crucifixion, and even before He came to earth and was laid in the manger.
What difference does it make whether we serve a living God or one made of stone? Isn’t it just a practice we believe in? Is it a crutch to help us along our way? No! Absolutely not!
A living God knows right where you are day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. He sees your every need, hears your every cry, and longs to hold you close to Himself. He is present to walk with you through the valley. He provides a song in the night. He takes your feet from the muck and mire and plants them on a rock. He blesses you with hope and gives joy for Life’s journey. A god with no life is unable to do these things. He cannot see, or hear, or reach, or touch, or provide. He simply cannot.
But my God is alive! The joy and the assurance that we celebrate on Easter doesn’t end when the holiday is over and the decorations are all packed away. Why? Because Christ is alive. So rejoice, my friend, and live each day with the hope and joy that Easter brings. Walk with Christ. Talk with Him, and allow His joy to penetrate your heart and fill your soul. Don’t live in defeat and agony as if Christ is still on in cross, or in the tomb. HE is alive! He IS alive! He is ALIVE!
Lord, I praise and worship You because You are alive and because You share Your magnificent self with me as Your child. Thank You for the constant day by day fellowship I have with You. Thank You for being alive! Amen.
How blessed we are. When I read this devotion I was reminded of what Jesus said to Thomas, blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. He saved me! My redeemer lives!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Job 19:25