Mar '22

His Incredible Love
Mar '22

For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. (Isaiah 54:10)
The prophet Isaiah was painting an amazing picture here.
Even when it seems the world is crumbling apart with darkness looming, mountains shaking, and hills being removed, the love of God will remain an unmovable foundation, and His supernatural peace will be undisturbed.
This is an incredible and eternal foundation we can build our life upon.
No other foundation of the earth can compare to the one God offers us.
His incredible love is truly indescribable!
In order to grasp this incredible love, we must have a real revelation of it.
It’s one thing to believe something, and another to receive and experience it in full measure.
To know the love of God intimately is to know freedom. The more we pursue God with passion and hunger, we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us and empower us to know this amazing love that transcends human understanding.
Have you felt like mountains and hills have been shaking and crumbling around you?
Hear the Lord saying to you today, “you are safe and secure with Me, beloved.”
Dwell in His presence today, and know His peace and compassion have not been removed. God will never let you go. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. He holds your world in His hands, and no matter what may come, His love is here to stay
“Lord, thank you for your unshakable love that is mine for the taking. Even though the world will fail me, your unfailing love will never waver. In your love, I am secure.”
There are so many parts of this devotion that I love so much. “To know the love of God intimately is to know freedom”, “you are safe and secure with Me, beloved.”, “His love is here to stay” and I could go on and on. I hope and pray you are reminded, just as todays devotion says, In His love, you are secure.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Jan '22

He is Never Changing
Jan '22

For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. (Isaiah 54:10)
Jesus, I am so thankful that no matter what I do, and no matter what happens, I cannot be separated from Your love. The world around me may be constantly changing, but I know I can count on You because You are never changing. Help me to feel steady and at peace in all situations because I know You, Lord. Amen.
A simple yet powerful prayer, I pray it is food for your soul today.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!