The Work Never Ends
God’s Time
Advice from My Father
In Time
The key word in today’s verse is the word “time.” When the Lord says, “the time is near,” He is referring to time from His perspective, not from the perspective of time that we have. Our minds cannot comprehend God’s concept of time, which puts us in a place of trusting Him for His perfect timing in all things.
Time seems so finite to us on earth, but in the kingdom of God, time is very different from what we know today. Even setting the clocks back one hour throws our schedules and internal systems off. It takes many of us all week to get adjusted to the time change. How can we begin to even imagine time being eternal? But it will be eternal for our spirits, and the choice of where we will spend it is up to us. For those in Christ, eternity in Heaven awaits us and the concept of time will no longer matter. For those who die without knowing Christ as their Savior, eternity consists of a Hell too terrible to comprehend.
Today, we should value time from the perspective that it is too short and is running out fast. Let’s get out and spread the Good News before time runs out. The book of Revelation is written so that we will know of what is to come and to believe that the “time is near.” We must never become complacent or apathetic regarding the Lord’s prophecies and promises. His words will come to pass…in time.
When I read this I couldn’t help but think, find me ready Lord, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Time is short and we must focus on what truly matters in life. I challenge you this week or even this month, to read Revelation with me. We must equip ourselves with God’s word. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28).
Make today beautiful!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 23