God Has a Way of Balancing Things
He Knows What He’s Doing
The “Why’s” of Life
And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Mark 15:34)
Isn’t it wrong to ask God “why?” Isn’t it wrong to question God? One day I was reading this verse, and suddenly I realized that Jesus asked God “why?” While Jesus was on the cross, dying for the sins of the world, He asked God, “Why have You forsaken Me?” We all know that God did not forsake Jesus. We also know that Jesus never sinned, so asking God “why” does not have to be wrong. Just by including the Lord in our thoughts shows a step of faith. It shows faith because we are praying, acknowledging that He is listening, and God will reward our faith.
By being honest with the Lord, our hearts are softened to receive His wisdom involving the things of the past, while helping us to move forward in faith for future decisions. God tells us in James 1:5-8:
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
So the “why” questions are not the sin, but receiving an answer to those questions and then doubting the answer is the sin.
Today, start asking “why” about things you do not understand and ask the Lord to help you to go forward in faith. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom in how to receive His answers to the “why” questions in your life. Pray for faith, as we know that without faith, it is impossible to please God. As our faith grows, we will move forward to make decisions as the Lord leads us and we will trust in His guidance and direction for all things. The goal is to get past the “why’s” and move on to the “what’s”–trust, obey and get going.
When I read this I couldn’t help but think, He desires for us to be so real with Him and to talk with Him and share our thought’s with Him, even the Why’s. He won’t become angry with us, He already knows our thoughts and He desires to have a real relationship with us. So go to God in prayer, in conversation and ask the Why’s, then be patient and wait for the answer and continue moving forward, knowing He’s got you, He’s faithful and He won’t fail you. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Colossians 2, Psalm 46
Search Me
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24)
Relationships take time. And as time passes, we can decide whether we want to go to the next level with a person and eventually open up to them.
This doesn’t have to be a husband or wife thing. It applies to every relationship.
Hopefully, we all have someone we can tell our deepest, most sensitive secrets to. Someone we know can keep our confidence.
Friends like these know when there is something wrong with us, even when others don’t. They have been our friends for so long they can sense our mood without even talking to us.
With an acquaintance, it’s different. We might tell them a little about our life, but we usually let them know all of the good stuff. We wear a mask for them.
Ironically, we sometimes try to wear this mask for Jesus.
When we pray, we might ask him to forgive us of our little sins and ask for good things to happen to us, but we never ask him to search us. We don’t tell him to look deep down in our heart and see if there is anything within us that to change.
We hesitate to open up in this way because it’s uncomfortable. When the Holy Spirit searches us and convicts us of sin, we rationalize it away. Or, we have been living our life with a particular sin for so long, that it just becomes a part of us and we are calloused.
We forget that Jesus already knows what is in our hearts (John 2:25).
Jesus is waiting for us to invite him into our hearts and cleanse us of our grievous ways. We can’t hide our sins from Jesus; only keep them from the healing power of His presence. And by holding our sin so tightly, we do nothing but embrace our own death, while pushing away the author of life.
We should daily pray as the Psalmist does, and ask God to search our hearts. We should open ourselves up to the real healing that only God can give.
Have you let Jesus look into your heart lately? If not, why are you scared to do so?
When I read this my first thought was, guilty! I can think of many times in my life when I’ve done just as they spoke of in this devotion, I go to God and ask him to forgive me of my little sins and ask for good things to happen to me but I’ve failed to ask him to search me and as I thought about it I realized it was in those moments when I got real with God and I allowed Him to search me deep down in my heart and I spoke to Him without walls and barriers that I was able to overcome that thing that held me back and tormented me. He does indeed already know, it’s our place to be so real with Him that we speak truthfully with Him and allow Him to mend us. We aren’t going to say anything He doesn’t already know, you don’t have to have the “perfect” prayer in order to speak to God, just be real and honest with Him. I myself am a work in progress and this is an area I need to work on, I don’t need to wear a mask when I talk to God. He knows me already, He knows you. Let’s be real with God!
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 51:1-11
He Knows
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. (Psalm 139:4)
It’s comforting to know that God loves us with a deep familiarity. David wrote, “For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether” (Ps. 139:4). Imagine having a quiet conversation with Jesus where you’re telling Him the deepest matters of your heart. Just when you’re struggling to get the words out, He gives you a knowing smile and expresses exactly what you couldn’t quite say. How good it is to know that we don’t have to get our words just right to talk to God! He loves us and knows us well enough to understand.
You know all about me, Lord, and You love me. Thank You for understanding me completely! Please help me to love You and follow You today. Amen.
When I read this it made me think of the many times I’ve struggled to express what I wanted to say to The Lord but what truth I was reminded of today, He loves me so much and knows me so well, He understands even when I can’t quite get the words out. God hears every unspoken word. What peace!
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 139:1-12