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Growing Gratitude

Would you like to cultivate a greater sense of gratitude? George Herbert, a seventeenth-century British poet, encourages readers toward that goal in his poem “Gratefulness”: “Thou that hast given so much to me, give one thing more: a grateful heart.”
Herbert recognized the only thing he needed in order to be thankful was simply an awareness of the blessings God had already given him.
The Bible declares Christ Jesus as the source of all blessing in Romans 11:36, “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things.” “All things” encompasses both the extravagant and the mundane, everyday gifts in our lives. Everything we receive in life comes directly from our heavenly Father (James 1:17), and He willingly gives us those gifts out of His love for us.
Take a few minutes to thank God for what comes to your mind right now. Try to do that throughout the day as well.
What a beautiful devotion! Let us do as today’s devotion encourages, let’s take time today to acknowledge the source of all our joys that we experience each and every day, especially the ones we take for granted. This devotion inspires me to see joys in today that I must admit I’ve taken for granted. For instance, I awoke to the alarm going off, why is that a joy one might ask, because I was able to hear the alarm, open my eyes and embrace another day to look after my beautiful family, I have purpose in today. It may seem silly to point out all the sources of joy in your life today but I guarantee the joy’s in your life will far outweigh whatever it is your dealing with and will give you the strength to overcome the lies and whispers of the enemy. You are blessed, You are loved by God. Now, let’s do as today’s devotion encourages, Take a few minutes to thank God for what comes to your mind right now. Try to do that throughout the day as well.
Make today beautiful!