Trade Fear for Peace


Some octopuses can even paralyze, weaken, and kill with poisonous venom.
Sometimes, it can hit us like a freight train.

Be Strong and of Good Courage

God is with you & will bring you His strength.

Fear is Contagious

Fear is Contagious

Today’s verse is taken from a message that God gave Moses to give to the Israelites in preparation for their battles in the Promised Land. The Lord began preparing the people before they crossed the Jordan River to encourage them that He was with them and would fight for them. The Lord made a point of addressing the danger of fear in their hearts. He tells the “fearful and fainthearted” to stay out of the battles and to go home instead. Why? Because fear is contagious.
The message for us two-fold: we need to be aware of how our fears influence others and we need to be wise of those whose fears can influence us. Fear is a deadly weapon and a powerful tool used by the enemy. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done to rid ourselves of fear. Even if we can identify our fears, this does not mean we can overcome them on our own. The first step is to be honest with ourselves and with the Lord. When we bring our confessions to Him, the healing process begins. The next step is to read God’s Word and believe what it says. Faith and fear cannot exist together. Faith is built on knowing and believing the Word of God.
Does it still take time to change old habits? Yes.
Will the Lord lead us to make certain changes? Yes.
Are we responsible for following God’s guidance? Yes.
And, will the enemy continue to remind us of our fears? Yes!
But, the Truth sets us free, if we are truly willing to believe and apply it to our lives. Today, if you are struggling with fear, examine your closest influences and the fears they may be invoking. Ask for wisdom in how to handle them. It is hard to fight your own battles when others are bringing discouragement. Be honest with the Lord in your personal battles with fear and prepare your heart to take a stand against the lies of the enemy. Christians in the world today are in warfare from all sides but Jesus told us to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world (John 16:33). It is our faith that is the victory that overcomes all of the fears that the world brings (1 John 5:4). The Lord will go before you and fight for you, just as He did for the Israelites.
Amen! When I finished reading this I thought, Wow, What truth! Let’s be aware of how our fears influence others and remember we need to be wise of those whose fears can influence us. Fear most certainly is a deadly weapon and a powerful tool used by the enemy. Faith and Fear cannot exist together. Just a few points from today’s devotion that I wanted to mention again and bring to your remembrance. Let’s take a stand against the enemy today and don’t allow fear to rule your life. Face Everything And Rise!! Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalms 57, Romans 4

“A Four-Letter Word”

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
More than once since I committed this verse to memory I have had to embrace it as truth and pray that I not give in to a “spirit of fear.” I have come to believe that the word “fear” really is a four-letter word and should be considered profanity. Wouldn’t it be great if we could somehow have it censored from all of our thoughts and feelings, like bleeping out a bad word? But instead, fear is very much a part of our reality, even more so than we realize or want to admit. I know there are times when being fearful can be a good thing, such as being afraid of doing something that might bring harm or danger.
The spirit of fear as mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7 is a different kind of fear. This fear hinders what God has given us: His power, love and sound mind. This fear grips us with doubts and insecurities, waging war with our thoughts and feelings. This kind of fear is not of God but of the enemy, the devil. Fear is one of the greatest weapons Satan uses against us, as it attacks our minds. He tells us that we are no good, not worthy, unloved and useless. These thoughts affect us all, he picks on everyone, no one is spared. How can we fight against such thoughts? By believing the truth of the second part of the verse. God through His Holy Spirit has given us power, love and a sound mind, not in our strength but in His.
Are you dealing with fears today that are gripping you so tightly that you feel helpless and hopeless? How can these fears be conquered? Start by praying for the Lord to open your mind and help you understand how to use the power given by His Holy Spirit. The power precedes love, so next pray for your heart to be filled with His love, knowing that His perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). What a great pair…power and love! Then, ask the Lord to clear your mind and bring to your thoughts His words, taking captive those thoughts not of Him.
O, Lord, I pray that You teach us how to live victorious lives through the empowering love and strength of Your Holy Spirit. And in Jesus name we ask that You break those strongholds of fear that bind us up and keep us from experiencing the peace and joy that You desire for us. Amen.
I recently read this and I knew it had to be shared. Fear is a stronghold and it’s time we break the chains of fear that hold us captive. I pray this blesses someone right where you are today and I pray it inspires you to get up and keep moving forward.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is 2 Timothy 1:6-12