God’s Words, Sweeter Than Honey
How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:103)
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter found in Scripture and is mainly known for its teaching on God’s law.
Psalm 119 is not simply about what to do and not do, but about how God’s law deepens our relationship with him.
In today’s verse, the words of God are said to be “sweeter than honey.” Honey is of course a natural sweetener. God’s words or laws bring a sweetness to the life we live. Just as our tongues crave sweet desserts, our lives should crave the sweetness of God’s words if we are followers of Jesus (1 Peter 2:1-3).
This desire does not come from good works or going to church, but from the one and only giver of sweet things, God (Psalm 119:18).
While we can learn much from God’s word as we listen to a pastor preach or musician sing, we shouldn’t rely on just these as our honey. We need to learn to enjoy God’s Word by ourselves also.
Things like Bible reading plans or devotionals like this can certainly help. But without the desire to read God’s Word, even the most self-disciplined of efforts will fail.
To fall in love with God’s Word requires that we fall in love with the Author himself. So if you’re struggling with a lack of desire to spend time in the Bible, don’t start by trying to manufacture that desire.
Instead, begin by asking yourself these two questions:
Do I love God?
Do I desire to spend time in his presence?
If the answer to question two isn’t a true, “Yes,” then reconsider your answer to question one. Don’t receive this as a harsh chastisement. Instead, consider it a fresh chance to understand where you’re at.
Remember, loving God’s Word means more than loving Scripture—it means loving the Word, Jesus Christ himself.
No matter where you’re at today, join me in praying this prayer today:
God, I want to love your Word. I want to love you more than I do right now… More than I ever have before. Move on my heart and my affections. Give me a deep, burning desire to be near you. To hear your voice. To love your presence. Overshadow all things by your majesty, and become the single longing of my soul. Amen.
There is a lot to this devotion today but when I read it I felt it was filled with such truth and needed to be shared. My prayer today is that this convicts the deepest part of your soul and that you answer the questions honestly, but it doesn’t stop there, earnestly pray that prayer and watch what God will do. He is faithful. To fall in love with God’s Word requires that we fall in love with the Author himself.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 119:103-105