Be Still In His Presence

Be Still, My Soul!

Taking Time With God

For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. (Isaiah 30:15)
I recently read, It can be hard to put time aside from our eventful days to rest and be quiet before God as today’s Scripture instructs.
Being quiet before God gets even harder when a monkey wrench is thrown into our busy lives. This could be a death in the family, a rebellious child, the loss of a job, or anything at all that is unexpected. When any of these happen to us, our first response is often to set things back to “normal mode”. Who wouldn’t want to do this? We look for the plans of action necessary to set things in order and ask God to bless us along the way. We fall into the trap that action is the only solvent for the unexpected problems in life. When many times, we simply need to live as the Psalmist and “be still and know that [He is] God” Psalm 46:10. Our comfort won’t come from solving the issues alone, but knowing God and his ways during our busy life.
Begin taking 5 minutes out of your workday to be in a quiet place and rest in God. As we begin to make this a habit, we will understand its importance and remember to make more time during our busy lives for God.
May we be still today, even for a moment and make time with God. He is patiently waiting for you to make time for Him. Let that day be today.
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 46

Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10).
I recently read, we are being instructed in this verse to let go, to be quiet, and to be physically & mentally still. For most of us stillness, silence, and serenity are difficult to find. Even when we are able to find it externally, it can still be difficult to cultivate stillness internally. Life is busy and so are our minds!
It is not only tough to make the time to be still; it’s tough to create stillness in our mind and body. The idea of being still goes against what we naturally, and culturally, do. Our inclination is to step on the gas and go full speed ahead, believing that doing more, and having more, makes us more complete. Instead, God is telling us here to hit the brakes and be still. If we are busy being busy, God’s voice can be nearly impossible to hear, but the problem is that many times we view being still with God as inactivity. It is critical to our faith to realize that the more we are deliberately still:
* the better we recognize God’s activity,
* the smaller our issues seem,
* the bigger God appears,
When was the last time you released the pressing issues in your life to God? When was the last time you relaxed in the presence of God? Can you set aside just a few minutes today to “be still” before God, and to listen for His voice?
Have a wonderful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust Him