May '21
The Greatest Book of All Time
May '21
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:21)
God wrote a book. Think about that.
So great is His love that He wrote it down so that we might have His story forever.
God wrote a book. And He wrote it in a remarkable way. God used 40 different authors from many different backgrounds. He used three languages throughout 1500 years.
Different authors. Different vocations. Different languages. 1500 years. God wrote a book. Absolutely spectacular!
Peter, a disciple of Jesus, said the writers were “moved” or “carried along” by the Holy Spirit.
The Greek word translated “moved” in 2 Peter 1:21 has the idea of “to be carried,” or “to be borne along.”
This word was used of a ship being carried along by the wind in its sail.
Like motionless boats on windless waters, God’s Spirit filled the conscience and hearts of man and drove him along as he penned the Scriptures.
God, the Creator of the universe, wrote a book, and He used man to do it. Tremendous.
My encouragement for you this morning is simple: read His Book.
The Creator wrote you and me a book, and He did it in spectacular fashion. Because of such, daily you need to:
- Read the Book with an earnest desire to understand it.
- Read the Book with simple, childlike faith and humility.
- Read the Book with a spirit of obedience and self-application.
To do these three things is to know God and grow closer to Him. Read the book.
Your prayer this morning, “God thank you for writing the Book. God, I want to know you; give me hunger, a thirst, and an understanding of your Word.”
This devotion blessed me. I pray after reading this devotion you are encouraged to open the most powerful book of all time, created by an author that loves you, me, every single person, He loves you and He wrote the most incredible book for you and I, the Word of God! May we never take it for granted but choose to open it and read it, learn from it and apply it to our lives every single day! BIBLE, Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Read His Book!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!