Oct '20

Royalty Who Looks Like Us?
Oct '20

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:7)
Recently, I read a story told by an older British man.
When he was a little boy after WWII, he saw a picture of some people walking around a bombed out street in a city. Bricks and timber were strewn across the cobblestone. The houses and buildings were totally destroyed.
However, there was something more to the picture. On the photo, there was a small arrow pointing to one of the men in the group. He looked just like the others, wearing the plain clothes of an average person.
But the arrow revealed a secret. That plain-clothed man was King George VI, walking among the debris. He looked so much like the other figures that he was indistinguishable from them.
This story perfectly sets off our verse today:
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.
Philippians 2:7
Jesus became exactly like us.
The King of all the universe threw aside his coronation clothes and took on the rags of humanity.
This is the ultimate act of humility. Jesus, our great King, doesn’t shoo us away from himself or make us approach him from a distance…
…instead, Jesus is the King who steps down from his throne to walk alongside his people and make them his siblings (Rom. 8:17).
This kind of love and humility marks the heart of God. And therefore is the aim of every disciple.
When I read this devotion it blessed me. It gave an incredible visual of Jesus and true humility. The King of all Kings chose to live among us and be like us. I pray today you are reminded that Jesus chose to live among us so we might see God’s great love for us.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!