Jun '21

Rescue Me, Again!
Jun '21

And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom beglory for ever and ever. Amen. (2 Timothy 4:18)
Christians tend to think of Jesus, first and foremost, as a Teacher— devoting ourselves to learning from Jesus and following His example.
And though this is biblical and noble, Jesus is not primarily a teacher.
First and foremost, Jesus is a rescuer. Your first identity in Christ is “rescued one.”
· Jesus rescues you
· Jesus rescued you from the penalty of sin.
· Jesus is rescuing you from the power of sin.
· One day, Jesus will rescue you from the presence of sin forever.
As Christ-followers, we spend our whole lives in need of rescue.
No one arrives of their own volition. No one comes unscathed. No one enters the Kingdom free from temptation and trials.
· Every day we are at war.
· We are at war with sin.
· We are at war with ourselves.
· We are at war with satan in the world.
And most days, if we’re honest, we admit, we lose many of these battles.
We fall prey to old sinful desires. We lean on ourselves more than God. We find ourselves captivated and captured by the things of this world.
Again and again, we need rescue.
Praise be to God that Christ is not just a teacher. Christ is not just a healer. Christ did not come to make good people better.
Christ came to bring dead people to life and give them life to the full.
He came, and He keeps coming, every day offering life and love and mercy and peace.
Every day rescuing His sheep, sheep who are prone to wander. Sheep who lose their way. Sheep who stray, falter, and fail.
He’s there, leading, strengthening, and pulling us from the mud.
Are you in need of a rescue today? Look no further than Jesus Christ, the great Rescuer.
Always remember, if you are in Christ, no part of your life is beyond His reach. Rescue is not only possible, but surely is coming!
Your prayer this morning, “Jesus, here I am, fallen, battered, and captured by sin. Rescue me. Again.”
Hallelujah! What a devotion! I pray you are touched by this devotion today. No part of your life is beyond His reach! Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of what’s rightfully yours as a child of God, peace. He will always rescue you! Trust Him entirely, we all need rescued.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!