Nov '18

Putting Up Hay
Nov '18

Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. (Romans 4:7)
When I was in college, I worked a summer on a ranch in Colorado. One evening, tired and hungry after a long day of mowing hay, I drove the tractor into the yard. Acting like the hot shot I thought I was, I cranked the steering wheel hard left, stamped on the left brake, and spun the tractor around.
The sickle was down and swept the legs out from under a 500-gallon gasoline tank standing nearby. The tank hit the ground with a resounding boom, the seams split, and all the gasoline spewed out.
The rancher stood nearby surveying the scene.
I got off the tractor, stammered an apology, and—because it was the first thing that popped into my mind—offered to work the rest of the summer without pay.
The old rancher stared at the wreckage for a moment and turned toward the house. “Let’s go have dinner,” he drawled.
A scrap of a story Jesus told passed through my mind—a story about a young man who had done a terrible thing: “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,” he cried. He intended to add, “make me as one of thy hired servants,” but before he could get all the words out of his mouth his father interrupted him. In essence, he said, “Let’s go have dinner” (Luke 15:17–24).
Such is God’s amazing grace.
Father, we celebrate Your gracious and lavish forgiveness. Thank You for the peace and freedom it brings us as we enjoy a family relationship with You. Amen.
This devotion blessed me. What an example of love and forgiveness in two different situation. It’s incredible to me that God’s love and forgiveness is even greater. What a privilege to be sons and daughters of the King!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is 1 Corinthians 15:57