Jul '18

Peace in Him
Jul '18

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
Most of us would agree that tribulations are very much a part of life. They come at different times for different reasons, but they no doubt come. Do you ever wonder just where the peace is that Jesus was speaking about? How about in your own personal life? Do you have peace in your daily routines? Jesus tells us that we will have tribulation in this world, a definite promise not just a possibility. But our only hope for peace is in Jesus. We must claim this verse as a direct promise from Him. He has overcome the world; therefore, we can overcome those things that try to take our peace by living for Him. Yet the words sound easier to do than the reality of actually living our lives this way. For me, my life seemed to be much better when I was in control of my circumstances. If I could somehow control the factors that influenced my day, then I could produce the peace I desperately needed. For a long period of time, my day consisted of doing those things that either mattered most to me or to others who expected a level of performance from me. I believed that being in control led to greater stability and less turmoil, a win-win for everyone around me.
There were clues along the way that maybe this way of life was not so great for everyone else around me. One major clue came one night several years ago when my husband asked me if I was okay. Of course, I was okay. Our lives were good. Our marriage was fine, rarely a conflict or cross word. Our jobs were more than sufficient to meet our needs. We were young, owned our own home, had money, and enjoyed many of the world’s amenities. Why was he asking me what was wrong? He began to express his concerns to me about–me. I could not listen to him without becoming defensive. After some discussion, I confessed to him that I often felt like an android, a machine on the inside but normal looking on the outside. Still, I was not ready or willing to accept that maybe I needed to change, that I needed help.
Over time, the Lord has led me to make many, many changes in my life. I was deceived into thinking that I could make my own peace by controlling my circumstances and situations. The changes have come by surrendering my control to Jesus. There is no peace in this world without the Lord. I have known Jesus as my Savior most of my life, but only when I made Him Lord of my life did I begin to know His peace. He left us His peace. May we all let go of our need to be in control and trust Jesus to help us get through all things….both good and bad.
Surrendering your control to Jesus, wow. I don’t know who this is for today but I do know I felt a nudging in my spirit to share it. So I pray it goes forth and blesses someone today, I pray it helps to break down walls that no one knows about and gives you a freedom that only comes from Him. Trust Him and allow Him to breath into you, into your day and into your circumstances. The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life (Job 33:4). He gives life to everything He breathes into. Today, let the breath of God now breath on me/you. Remember, He first loved you. The only peace you will find is in Him.
Have a beautiful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is 1 John 4:10-12