Oct '19
Obey Fast
Oct '19
I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments. (Psalm 119:59-60)
When God said, “Let there be light,” the universe sprang into existence.
So what is God speaking in your life, family, or church right now? And are you obeying as quickly as the universe did?!
Finish this statement:
“God is calling me to _______.”
What was your answer?
Whatever it is, are you going to obey him fast?
In today’s verses, the psalmist described a key life pattern we should each adopt:
- Observe your life
- Turn to God’s word
- Obey as fast as you can
Imagine your life if you started living in this simple way today. (Some of you already do!)
Can you imagine the impact your life could have for the kingdom?
The best part is, when we understand who is speaking to us, it is a joyful thing to obey.
He is the God who spoke the universe into existence…
Who commanded the sun to shine…
Who set the earth spinning…
When God speaks, his incredible will comes to pass. So what is his will for you today?
Will you look to his word as your source of truth and obey as fast as you can?
I was blessed by this devotion today. I pray it inspires you to ask yourself that very question, what is God calling me to do, what is His will for my life? I love this, what if, instead of a scramble for our personal comfort, our lives looked like a mad dash for obedience. Remember today, when God speaks glorious things happen. Amen and Amen.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Romans 12:1