Oct '18
Not Our Favorite Word
Oct '18
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. (Colossians 3:18)
The word “submit” is not one of our favorite words in the English vocabulary. I actually heard that on certain computer programs and websites, the word “submit” will be removed (Submitis usually the button clicked on a website when someone agrees to a purchase, accepts contractual terms for a software product or approves other related entries to get to the next link). For wives, the word “submit” is often scoffed at. The thought of it makes many of us downright angry at times. Why is it so hard for us to submit, especially to our husbands? Oh, there are lots of reasons…too many to list here.
Here is the key for us to get past this issue: we must place our feelings about it before the Lord and ask Him to help us. Why? Because the Bible tells us to submit. But, let me comment on a couple of notes about this. First, submission involves respect and honor, not a doormat mentality. Second, submission is a place of strength, not weakness because it gives God the power to work on our behalf. Our first submission is to God, then the rest will follow. The enemy will blind you with your own pride and selfishness to keep you from submitting to the Lord. Our pride keeps us from humbling ourselves and serving others, even our own husbands. Let the Lord work these issues out with you and you will see the power of God displayed in amazing ways in your life.
I learn something every day about submission, whether I like it or not. Just the other day, my husband asked my help in something and then demanded of me what he wanted me to do. With this specific task, I was truly clueless. After unsuccessfully pleading my case with him, I submitted and vowed to do whatever I could to help him. Behind the scenes, I begged the Lord to help me. I repented of my rebellious heart and I gave up the fight. I saw the Lord not only rescue me from the task, but also show my husband what to do to find the answers himself. It is simply amazing to watch the Lord move like that! For me, my heart was tested. Was I willing to humble myself and submit? This time I did…but believe me, I have to pray and ask for the Lord’s help every single time I get into these struggles with submission. God will get the glory as we submit to Him first and then ask Him for His help towards others.
I truly love today’s devotion. What a beautiful reminder for all of us, weather you are a wife, someone’s child, someone’s employee, we are all a child of God so therefor submission applies to all of us. May we take that one word and think on it more seriously today and ask ourselves, am I submissive, and when you choose to be submissive you will as today’s devotion says, see the power of God displayed in amazing ways in your life. I find it an honor to serve my husband and I’m proud to admit that for myself. I am grateful for the man of God He is in our home and in His own life, He walks with integrity, love and commitment. Today is his birthday and God couldn’t have dropped a more fitting devotion in my path to remind me of what an honor it is as his wife to be submissive unto my husband and unto God.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalms 62:2