God’s Promise
Today’s verse is a promise that God made to Jacob. As Jacob lay asleep, the Lord stood over him and reaffirmed the promise that He had given his father, Isaac, and his grandfather, Abraham. The Lord told Jacob of how his descendants would be as the dust of the earth, scattered in all directions and blessed to be in God’s family. God kept His promise and the rest of the Old Testament tells the story of His people, a people known as the children of Israel. (Israel was the new name given to Jacob by God.)
The literal context of this verse is stated above but the spiritual context is applicable to us today. Did you know that the Lord has a promise for your life, even in this verse? How does something written so long ago become relevant to our lives now? Many people miss out on the Old Testament message because they see no relevance to our modern lives. But the Holy Spirit makes the message critically relevant to our lives right here and right now. The promise that God gave Jacob is also a promise that He gives us. Hebrews 13:5 says that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. For Jacob, God had given him a specific promise about the nation of Israel, a nation yet to be born at the time of the encounter. What promise has God given you, or do you know? For starters, He promises to never leave you and that He will be with you and keep you wherever you go. God promises to always be with you. What an awesome promise!
Sometimes we just need to open the Bible and start reading. Maybe someone reading this right now needs to hear that God promises to always be with them. The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and speaks to our hearts personally, a message just for us. The Bible is filled with stories and literal accounts of historical events, but in every story and every account, there is a personal message just for you. Please do not miss out on the spiritual message. You will find what you need if you seek for it: a promise, a confirmation, an answer. You will love the Bible stories, but when they become real to you in your life, and apply to you in some way today, your life will change and you will have an insatiable appetite for God’s Word.
When I read this devotion I couldn’t help but think about what I Love so much about God’s Word, it’s so very real in our lives and there isn’t any aspect of it that doesn’t relate in one way or another. What an incredible God we serve that he wouldn’t just create us and leave us to fend for ourselves but He left His word to lead and guide and direct us. All we have to do is be willing to open it, read it and apply it to our daily lives. How simple and yet so many don’t make time for God’s word, it sits idol with dust on it. If you were going to battle you wouldn’t leave your sword and shield behind, would you? All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17). What a mighty God we serve! Faithfulness!
Have a beautiful day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 119:105