your daily crossroad
God of Patience
Jesus, You did not consider Your equality with God as a way to gain special favors. Instead, You humbly served a hurting world. Thank You for modeling what true humility and love look like. Today, please allow me to follow Your example. Show we what it means to consider others as better than myself, and teach me how to love others with genuine affection, humility and grace. Amen.
My Strength and Shield
Hide God’s Word in Your Heart
Reflecting on God’s Power
He Delights in You
Have you ever felt prompted by the Lord to pray, but didn’t know what to pray?
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
The Answer is Prayer
He is Waiting for You
The Power of Thankfulness
What a powerful devotion. I want to end it the way it began, “Never underestimate the power of thankfulness!” Enough said, Hallelujah!
Even in the Silence
A Conversation
Be Still and Rest in His Presence
As the Lord prepares you for this day ahead, take time to be still and rest in His presence.
The more you persistently practice this at the beginning of each day, the more the Lord is able to gradually build trust bonds between you and Him within your soul.
Much of our anxiety comes from excessive planning and obsessing over the future.
This tendency is so common in the ‘hustle and bustle’ culture of our world today.
Sadly, this habit only hinders our sensitivity to the Lord.
Whenever we feel the urge to anxiously jump into the future, we must resist it immediately and return to the present where His presence is waiting for us.
The more you become accustomed to resisting anxious planning, the more you will be able to receive from the Lord in the present.
He designed us to cooperate and partner with Him in the now.
It is His job to be the one who orchestrates our future path, not ours.
As you take time to be still before Him today, surrender your anxiety to Him.
Know that He longs to take away all your anxiety, as it has no place in His Kingdom.
Jesus already paid the price for your freedom, so that anxiety and stress is His to deal with, not you. When you place it in His hands, He will then cast it off into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be seen again!
When You are Weak
When you are weak, do not despise your neediness.
Those who are weak with weariness are the ones who can receive His flowing power the most.
The Lord realizes in full measure the depth of your neediness and wounds.
He knows the difficulties of your life-path and the pain caused by others along the way.
How He longs to revive you!
When you come to Him with an open heart and empty hands, He will empower you with the abundance of His spirit, showering you with blessings.
Let Him fill you up with His presence and power, nurturing your mind, body, soul and spirit back to strength.
When you waver in dependence on Him, do not let yourself despair. It is not a sign of a lack of faith, but a nudge and link to His healing presence.
The weakness and opposition you face as well as the attacks of the enemy may discourage you for a little while, but take heart! For the Lord is able to use those weaknesses and oppositions to propel you forward!
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
If you are feeling discouraged, take it to the One who can fill you up again.
Wait a while in His presence, and He will cover you with His supernatural grace and divine strength. He will raise you up on the wings of eagles, empowering you to finish the race He has called you to!
Every Day Is A Precious Gift
However, God wants us to set our priorities in alignment with His will, not ours.
Rejoice and be glad! For this is a day He has made with you in mind!
You are a Winner
The Greek word “hupernikao” is a combination of “Huper” and “Nikos”. “Huper” means over, above and beyond, while “Nikos” means conqueror. Put these two words together as “hupernikao”, and we have scripture telling us that we are enormous, overwhelming conquerors!
The love of God has given us a hyper-victory, causing us to completely triumph over every obstacle! This is who you are in Christ! A masterful champion who is unrivaled against anything that tries to come against you.
Today, know that you are a victor in Christ. The power of the One who lives inside you cannot be parallel or rivaled by any other force in existence. God’s extravagant love for you has already secured a spot for you in the winner’s circle.
Wherever you go, He is with you and empowering you with His love, so that no matter what enemy you face, you are empowered to conquer it!
Still Your Soul
The Lord searches the land, looking for those who are seeking Him above the noisy opinions of man.
When you successfully carve out time to be quiet before the Lord, He is there to meet you in the stillness of your soul.
Do not be discouraged or feel condemned at how difficult it can be to fight for your time with Him. The Lord sees your efforts.
He also sees what others cannot, beyond the surface into your heart, He sees the longing you hold for Him despite the opposition that comes against you.
In the secret place where you meet your beloved, He is able to commune with you and rejoice over your openness to His presence. Furthermore, refuse to allow time restraints or to-do lists hinder your precious time with Him. Many of the things that pull on our minds can often wait.
Today, find time to still your soul before the Lord. Unlike the world around you, He is not in a hurry. Never has He rushed you during your time together, so why would you rush Him? Instead, allow Him to be sovereign during this intimate time, and surrender all hastiness. After all, a patient cannot receive treatment from their doctor if they cannot stay still.
By quieting your mind and stilling your soul, you will be able to receive the abundance of His peace, joy and strength!