your daily crossroad
I’m Sorry
Who’s Driving?
Giving in to God is good for us. Scripture says that God’s wisdom takes us down “ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace” (Proverbs 3:17). Better to follow where He leads.
Loving Lord, thank You for the grace You give us to obey You, and the peace You give us as we stay near. Amen.
When I initially read this devotion I was going to pass it up but I felt a nudge to post it, I was hesitant as it was mentioning “wild things” but if we are honest we all have “wild things” in our lives that we must be open and honest with ourselves about and then turn them over to God, who is ever patient, loving, gentle and kind. Things may not be as you would like to see them but when we turn everything over to Him, He fills us with wisdom as today’s devotion says, that leads to pleasantness and peace. What God requires He also inspires. Follow where He leads, even if the path going the opposite direction looks much more inviting. Who’s Driving? He will never lead you astray.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is John 1:14
Still The King
Catching Foxes
He is Worthy
The Lesser Blessed the Greater
What We Can Do
A Hidden Ministry
Confident Hope
Hearts Full of Thanks
Impossible to Hold
Choosing the Trail
Treasure in a Pumpkin
The Right Way to Pray
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. (Matthew 6:6)
I admire people who record prayer requests in journals tattered from daily handling, those who keep track of every prayer and praise and then faithfully update their lists. I’m inspired by those who gather with others to pray and whose kneeling wears out the carpet at their bedsides. For years, I tried to copy their styles, to emulate a perfect prayer life, and to imitate the eloquence of the so-much-more-articulate-than-me folks. I strived to unravel what I thought was a mystery, as I longed to learn the right way to pray.
Eventually, I learned that our Lord simply desires prayer that begins and ends with humility (Matthew 6:5). He invites us into an intimate exchange through which He promises to listen (v. 6). He never requires fancy or memorized words or phrases (v. 7). He assures us that prayer is a gift, an opportunity to honor His majesty (vv. 9–10), to display our confidence in His provision (v. 11), and to affirm our security in His forgiveness and guidance (vv. 12–13).
God assures us He hears and cares about every single spoken and unspoken prayer, as well as the prayers that slip down our cheeks as silent tears. As we place our trust in God and His perfect love for us, we can be sure praying with a humble heart that’s surrendered to and dependent on Him is always the right way to pray.
Lord, thank You for reminding us You hear every prayer. Amen.
What I love about today’s devotion is it’s an incredible reminder that everyone’s “prayer closet” looks different and it’s not for us to strive to be like any one person when we pray. Our relationship and time with God looks different from person to person but as today’s devotion states one thing should be the same and that’s praying with a humble heart that’s surrendered to and dependent on Him. Today, stop looking at your neighbor and judging yourself based on there relationship with God and focus on your own relationship with God and He will meet you right where you are when you surrender all to Him. All to Jesus I surrender and that includes my prayer life. Calling on Jesus as our loving Savior and Lord is the right way to pray.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Ecclesiastes 12:13