your daily crossroad
The Redemption of Unclean Things
The servant gives these instructions: “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.” (verse 10) Naaman is extremely upset. Upon receiving these instructions, he rationalizes them away. In his own words, the waters of Syria are much cleaner than the waters of the Jordan.
“I’m not good enough.”
These are lies we tell ourselves all too often!
Whether it’s a difficult situation or broken person, don’t be like Naaman.
God can use anything or anyone to bring about His purpose. And he will!
Don’t be discouraged when God’s process veers far away from our ability to comprehend. Instead trust God, and do what he says.
He will work out the rest.
God’s promises are yes and amen. Will you trust Him today despite what you see?
What a beautiful devotion. When I read this I felt it had to be shared. I pray it blesses someone today.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Isaiah 43:11-12
Doing Things God’s Way
I am a planner. A problem-solver.
So when I bring my struggles to the Lord in prayer, I tend to also bring my carefully thought-out ideas and suggestions He can choose from.
But the longer I walk with Him, the more I’m discovering that simply isn’t the way God works. His ways? They aren’t our ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
But God didn’t ask anyone for their opinion. Not even Joshua. Instead, He asked for their complete and unwavering obedience. Obedience in the face of a battle plan that would make no sense to their rational minds. A plan that actually involved no “battle” whatsoever.
All God wanted them to do was march. For six days straight, they were to march around the walls of Jericho. Then, on the seventh day of marching, they were to end with trumpet blasts and a great shout. God declared this mighty sound would bring the walls down.
What moves me most about the Israelites’ part in this story isn’t so much their willingness to take that first crazy step of obedience. It’s how they kept taking steps of obedience. Step after step after step. Even though nothing appeared to change … even though there wasn’t a single sign of cracking or crumbling in those massive walls … they kept marching.
What if they’d stopped after day two? Or day three? Or even day six?
Think of all they would have missed. They would have cheated themselves out of certain victory from God.
I don’t say any of this casually — as if it’s easy to keep going when there’s no evidence of our situation changing. It’s hard to continue marching when we don’t see God move the way we thought He would. It’s sometimes difficult to trust that He’s working behind the scenes.
So what do we do when He asks us to move in ways that don’t make sense to us? How do we keep “marching” when the situation still looks hopeless?
We make the same choice the Israelites made. We choose to walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) We take God at His Word and hold fiercely to His promises. (Hebrews 10:23)
God had promised Joshua that He would deliver Jericho, its king and army into his hands. (Joshua 6:2) And that is exactly what He did. When they marched around the city on that seventh day and gave their great shout with the blare of the trumpets, the walls fell down flat. Flat! The city was theirs for the taking. (Joshua 6:20)
Their victory never hinged on their ability or any of their well-thought-out plans. It was solely dependent on their unwavering obedience offered to a loving and mighty God.
I don’t know what seemingly impossible situation is staring you in the face today, sweet friend. I don’t know what crazy steps of obedience God is currently calling you to take. But let me be the gentle whisper in your ear encouraging you to keep going. Keep trusting. Keep taking step after step after obedient step.
We don’t have to understand the “why” of God’s ways. But we do have to keep choosing to follow them.
Let’s not stop short of our victory with God. He is working things out. He is present. His plan is still good, and He can still be trusted. These are certainties even when life feels so very uncertain.
Lord, I confess that at times my heart feels discouraged when I don’t see immediate results from my steps of obedience. Thank You for reminding me today that just because I can’t see You moving, it doesn’t mean You aren’t moving. Thank You for the good plans I know You have for my life. And thank You for always leading me toward victory. Please help me as I walk by faith not sight. Day after day. Step by step. Choosing Your way above my own. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I pray this devotion blessed someone today as much as it blessed me and more. I needed this reminder today, I pray today you remember He is always leading you toward victory. Trust Him as you march around whatever wall your facing. Just keep marching.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Psalm 63:1
Thankful For the Scars
Worry—feeling uneasy or troubled—seems to plague multitudes of people in our world today. It’s human nature to be concerned about the bad situations in our world and in our personal lives, but if we’re not careful, the devil will cause us to worry beyond what’s reasonable.
Like a rocking chair, worry is always in motion, but it never gets you anywhere. So why do we struggle with it? And what good does it do?
Worry is the opposite of faith. It steals our peace, physically wears us out, and can even make us sick. When we worry, we torment ourselves—we’re doing the devil’s job for him! Worry is caused by not trusting God to take care of the various situations in our lives. Too often we trust our own abilities, believing that we can figure out how to take care of our own problems. And yet, after all our worry and effort to go it alone, we come up short—unable to bring about suitable solutions.
Todays Reading is Proverbs 29:25
Your Shining for Jesus Wherever You Are
Imagine a world full of darkness. Then with four small words, light blazes forth. Every living thing in our world relies on light for its existence – plants, animals and people. The God who brought light to the world also brings it to our lives. As 2 Corinthians 4:6 says, “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”.
Hearing God’s Invitation
This Is A New Day
There is much to be thankful for each morning. The Lord has given you a new day. Whatever happened yesterday cannot be changed and what tomorrow holds is unknown. Don’t let the enemy of your soul take the joy from this present day.
Jesus is not looking for a lot of words. A simple, “I trust you, Lord. I love you, God. I need your help, Holy Spirit.” are sincere prayers that God longs to hear. Remember, you can never repeat this day. The Lord opened your eyes this new day, and that is a gift in itself. Don’t waste time looking back or much time looking ahead.
God is in the present, celebrate the here and now. As you face whatever today brings, be mindful of Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee”. Believe and remain hope-filled throughout this new day the Lord has made.
I was blessed by this devotion today. What a reminder. Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of your joy today. You might be thinking, what do I have to be joyful about today, look around you, start counting your blessings, not your troubles. As you start your day today remember this, a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. Remember, this is a new day!
The Surprising Truth About What Your Worth
When I read this devotion I felt it needed to be shared over and over again. There is someone at this very moment questioning there worth, I would encourage you today to see yourself through the eyes of Christ. He loves you so much, He sent His son to die for you, to redeem you. You are what God knows you are, not what others think you are. He sees, He hears, He will deliver you. Look to Him!
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Joel 2:23
Beauty in The Struggle
He Will Fight for You
Through the trials – it is well with your soul
The Little Things
Seize Your Opportunities!
In The Midst Of It All . . .