Oct '18

Confident Hope
Oct '18

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)
Dr. William Wallace was serving as a missionary surgeon in Wuzhou, China, in the 1940s when Japan attacked China. Wallace, who was in charge of Stout Memorial Hospital at the time, ordered the hospital to load his equipment on barges and continue to function as a hospital while floating up and down rivers to avoid infantry attacks.
During dangerous times, Philippians 1:21—one of Wallace’s favorite verses—reminded him that if he lived, he had work to do for the Savior; but if he died, he had the promise of eternity with Christ. The verse took on special meaning when he died while falsely imprisoned in 1951.
Paul’s writing reflects a deep devotion we can aspire to as followers of Jesus, enabling us to face trials and even danger for His sake. It is devotion enabled by the Holy Spirit and the prayers of those closest to us (v. 19). It’s also a promise. Even when we surrender ourselves to continued service under difficult circumstances, it is with this reminder: when our life and work end here, we still have the joy of eternity with Jesus ahead of us.
In our hardest moments, with hearts committed to walking with Christ now, and with our eyes firmly fixed on the promise of eternity with Him, may our days and our acts bless others with the love of God.
Make of me, Father, a willing servant in times of weakness and times of strength. Amen.
When I read today’s devotion I was reminded of my former pastor who has since gone on to be with The Lord. He undoubtedly surrendered his entire life to Christ under difficult circumstances and fought the good fight to the very end, never giving up on what he was called to do, be a willing servant. My family, my dad, my mom, my sister and I were saved under his ministry, our lives forever changed for the good and I am who I am today because of His commitment to Christ and my prayer is that I can strive to carry on his love for Christ, his passion and zeal for winning souls, so one day when my time is through I can say with assurance, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, just as he did. How I loved my Pastor, James F White. He was a true example of a willing servant. Let’s remember today, sacrifices offered to God are opportunities to showcase His love.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Luke 6:27-28