Show Me How to Live

I Am here to help

Hear the Lord saying to you today, “Don’t be afraid, my beloved, I am here to help.”

The Holy Spirit

You are Beautiful!

Constant Companion & Counselor

Remind yourself that He is with you continually, and not one moment goes by where He hasn’t been by your side.

I Don’t HAVE to, I GET to

Be vigilant in thanksgiving today.

Walk in The Spirit

Today, seek the Lord in what His will is for your daily life. He longs to be involved and included in your daily decisions! You can have peace and joy knowing that His will for you is the best there is!
“Lord, thank you for helping me to seek your will above the will of the world. As a carrier of your kingdom and presence, I desire to be in tune with the Holy Spirit so that I may influence those around me and point them to you!”
“His will for you is the best there is”. I love this! I pray you are encouraged by this devotion to be in tune with the Spirit.
Have a beautiful and uplifting day in The Lord!

He is Never Changing

Jesus, I am so thankful that no matter what I do, and no matter what happens, I cannot be separated from Your love. The world around me may be constantly changing, but I know I can count on You because You are never changing. Help me to feel steady and at peace in all situations because I know You, Lord. Amen.

Are You in Need of Joy today?

The joy we receive from the Lord transcends circumstances.
You don’t have to depend only on what you see in the natural.
As a child of the most high God, you have been sanctioned to rise above all circumstances of life!
As His beloved child, His joy that is your strength is your birthright! Don’t let the enemy rob you of what rightly belongs to you!
Today, take a moment to whisper to yourself, “Lord, you are my joy.”
“Lord, thank you that I can rejoice in every season of life, no matter what! Help me to remember your goodness, grace and incredible love. Thank you for helping me to access the heavenly joy you’ve already given me!”

My Concerns