Bearing Fruit with Patience

But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. (Luke 8:15)
The parable of the sower and the seed is ever popular, and it’s likely you’ve heard it before. After telling the parable, Jesus proceeded to explain it’s meaning to the disciples. It is the last sentence in his explanation that we will focus on today: the seed that falls on the good soil is the seed that bears fruit in accordance with the Gospel. It is the seed that decides to follow Jesus during thick and thin.
What we learn through is that this seed takes time to bear fruit. This seed “brings forth fruit with patience”. We don’t like to read this. Aren’t we supposed to die to ourselves and be new creatures right away (Romans 6:6-7)? Doesn’t the Gospel produce the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-24)? The answer to these is “Yes”! But, it takes time.
Often, we want to produce the good fruit in our lives immediately, and we get discouraged when we feel we are falling short. Jesus knows this about us, and in that we must realize that we don’t have to fake perfection for those around us. In fact, lack of honesty and humility in our journey can lead to sinful pride that separates us from God. How much better is it for us to be honest in our journey, and realize that with patience we will bear all the fruit that accompanies the Gospel.
As followers of Jesus, we all have different struggles and vices. Some we can overcome right away, while others may take years or even a lifetime. Be encouraged today that Jesus doesn’t expect you to bear all your fruit in one day, but take it day by day, as you put your faith in Him.
Be grateful today for God’s patience towards you. Pray that you may continue to grow, and to bear fruit.
Wow! I needed this today, I’m a bit late in the day getting this posted because today has been busier than usual with the unexpected and I was beating myself up over it but it amazes me how God knows just how to speak to the heart, even in what may seem like the small things, to the individual it’s a big thing. Thank You Lord for speaking to my heart today and uplifting me in my time of need. I must take it day by day as I put my faith in Him!! God is so good!!
Have a wonderful evening in The Lord!
Today’s Reading is Luke 8