Be Still and Rest in His Presence

As the Lord prepares you for this day ahead, take time to be still and rest in His presence.
The more you persistently practice this at the beginning of each day, the more the Lord is able to gradually build trust bonds between you and Him within your soul.
Much of our anxiety comes from excessive planning and obsessing over the future.
This tendency is so common in the ‘hustle and bustle’ culture of our world today.
Sadly, this habit only hinders our sensitivity to the Lord.
Whenever we feel the urge to anxiously jump into the future, we must resist it immediately and return to the present where His presence is waiting for us.
The more you become accustomed to resisting anxious planning, the more you will be able to receive from the Lord in the present.
He designed us to cooperate and partner with Him in the now.
It is His job to be the one who orchestrates our future path, not ours.
As you take time to be still before Him today, surrender your anxiety to Him.
Know that He longs to take away all your anxiety, as it has no place in His Kingdom.
Jesus already paid the price for your freedom, so that anxiety and stress is His to deal with, not you. When you place it in His hands, He will then cast it off into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be seen again!